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Goodbye June step aside

Goodbye June, it's been a pleasure! As we say goodbye to this month, I want to wish you all the best for the rest of the year. May the memories of the past few weeks bring you happiness and inspiration in the months ahead. Remember to take time for yourself, pursue your passions and enjoy all that life has to offer. Whether you're planning new adventures or simply enjoying the summer breeze, I hope you make the most of every moment. Farewell June and hello July, here's to a wonderful summer season ahead!

Bye, bye JUNE, Hello JULY
We haven’t seen you for a year
It’s so good to see you once again
You are the mid-month of the lot
Please give us everything you’ve got
Wall-to-wall sunshine with a minimum of rain
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Goodbye June step aside
happy weekend never say goodbye july 2022 teasers queen mother