Birthdays in january

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january birthday gift

Celebrate your favorite January-born birthday guy or gal with these fun bday wishes.

Your birthday always comes
As we start another year,
January is your month
Your special day is here.
It's the middle of the winter
Most days are cold and dreary,
so here's birthday wish for you
That your day is bright and cheery!

Best people born in January

Happy birthday to someone special who was born in the first month of the year! May your new year be filled with endless happiness and endless opportunities.

Sparkling winter sunshine,
Faces all aglow
Making resolutions,
And angels in the snow -
Steaming cups of cocoa,
A year that's fresh and new...
All of this is magic -
Unfolding just for you.

By her who in January was born
No gem save Garnets shall worn.
They will ensure her constancy,
True friendship and fidelity.

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